The first meeting of our 2015-2016 season will be held at Congregational United Church of Christ (CUCC) on Tuesday September 8 beginning at 6:00 p.m. with our annual Salad Supper. The hospitality committee, chair Mary Woodrow 336-316-1339, has asked that I remind you of this enjoyable tradition at which we bring our favorite salads to share. The table will be filled with salads of all kinds, and we look forward to sampling and comparing. It is always fun to read the ingredients lists as we move down the buffet line, so please share the recipes. The Hospitality Committee will provide beverages, bread and crackers, as well as delicious desserts. We are pleased that UNCG students Shaylon Duncan and Jessica Twitchell, the two recipients of branch scholarships to the 2015 NCCWSL, and High Point University student Emilie Ashe will be with us. Shaylon, Jessica, and Emily will briefly share highlights of memorable moments of their experiences while attending the AAUW National Conference of College Women Student Leaders. Both young women are beginning to plan the leadership activity that they will implement on campus during their senior year. Following the Salad Supper, we are very fortunate to have Donna Duffy as moderator and Murphie Chappell as speaker on the important topic Title IX: Beyond Athletics. Their experience and knowledge will help us understand why AAUW is placing such a strong emphasis on getting Title IX resources distributed to school coordinators. We hope to have several Title IX coordinators in the audience to spur conversation and dialogue.