AAUW’s mission is to “advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research.” One way AAUW Greensboro Branch implements the mission locally is through partnerships with area Colleges and Universities (C/Us). Presently, our C/U Partners include Bennett College, Guilford College, High Point University NC A&T State University and UNCG. The Branch assists C/U Partners with implementing these AAUW programs on C/U Partner campuses:
- $tart $mart: A two hour interactive workshop designed for women students to discover the importance of doing research before each job interview and negotiating for their initial salary and benefits. Students evaluate role playing interviews as very helpful.
- Tech Savvy: An exciting day-long STEM+MUSIC and MEDICINE Workshop with sessions for girls in grades 6-9. Hands on activities are led by women in those fields. The day also includes sessions for parents.
- Elect Her – Campus Women Win: A three hour interactive workshop designed to encourage and educate college women about how to run for student government and future political office.
- Scholarships to NCCWSL: AAUW Greensboro offers two $700 scholarships to the highly rated National Conference of College Women Student Leaders held annually at the end of May. Women on C/U Partner campuses are invited to apply. The recipients agree to implement a leadership activity on their respective campuses. The Branch is working toward increasing the number of scholarships