Get Out The Vote writing party sends 60 cards

Peggy Woods, Carmen Redding, and Mary Fran Schickedantz

Peggy Woods, Cherrie Wheaton, and Mary Fran Schickedantz

Although we were small in number, we were a mighty crew. Thanks to Carmen Redding, Everlena Diggs, Peggy Knox, Mary Fran Schickedantz, Anne Fragola, Sue Mengert and Cherrie Wheaton for using their pens. Sixty hand written letters were sent to women in small cities in NC, where the voter turn out is below the average for the state. The letters were nonpartisan urging women to vote in the November election because it is so important that women make their voices heard at the ballot box. It wasn’t all serious work – we had a lot of laughs and good food too!
