AAUW Greensboro member and local artist, Julie Dameron, has again entered the national contest, having won last year with her painting, Beach Friends. This year, Julie has submitted Top Sail Beach and Portland Bay Harbor. CLICK HERE TO VIEW ALL ARTWORK ON AAUW.ORG WEBSITE
How Voting Works
The art contest winners are chosen by AAUW members. The images that receive the most votes will appear on note cards that are mailed to tens of thousands of AAUW members across the country.
You must be a current AAUW member or affiliate when voting opens in order to vote in the 2019 AAUW Art Contest. The voting period is February 12–February 26, 2019.
Members may VOTE ONE TIME for their 10 favorite images. During the contest, members can log in online and see which entries they’ve voted for. Rally votes for your favorites by sharing with other members!
Other Information
The note cards will acknowledge the name of the artist and the artwork. If the artist belongs to a branch, the name of that branch will also be acknowledged.
You must agree that by submitting art to the AAUW Art Contest you are providing AAUW with a royalty-free perpetual license to use, reproduce, post, display, or create derivative works in any media associated with AAUW.