Greensboro Branch’s Annual Business Meeting was held on Tuesday evening October 8. We are excited to announce the election of Peggy Knox as Vice President/Program Chair for 2016-17. Peggy is a very active member and is currently service as chairperson of the Branch Spring Luncheon on April 23.
President Cherrie Wheaton and former AAUW Treasurer and Branch member, Millie Houffler-Foushee, answered questions about the pros and cons of this change. The basic advantage of a 501c3 is that all donations to the Branch would be tax deductible. This is very important as our programs expand and more funds are needed to sustain them. The members appreciated the benefits of the change, giving the “go ahead” to the Ad Hoc Finance Committee ( Libby Haile, Jane Terwillegar, Stephanie Taheri, Lena Murrill-Chapman and Cherrie Wheaton) to proceed with the paperwork and advice necessary to complete the process. This vote of confidence, and the support of AAUW National legal support, means that the Greensboro Branch will re-invent itself as a nonprofit incorporated in North Carolina with IRS 501c3 status.