Thank you , AAUW NC, for your generous contribution of $500 to help us make this event amazing.

STEM Sessions

7:45 am – 3:30 pm at the Sullivan Science Building UNCG Campus


Internet of Things Hands on with Cloudbits, a type of LittleBits circuit, will be used to get participants started on their own Internet of Things project! Participants will learn the concept of virtual reality systems by using the Bobo VR Headset. We’ll discuss how this up-and-coming technology can be used in variety of applications to solve social issues.
Do You Hear What I Hear? Come to our interactive music and science classroom museum to explore the anatomy of the ear, how sound waves travel, and how our minds process music. Participants will be placed in teams and will navigate three music and science learning stations to uncover the mystery of sound and the inner workings of our mind.
Robotics Our session will introduce students to what might be involved in becoming a roboticist. Students will be put into small groups and directed to work on group activity using LEGO Mindstorm robots. Each group will work together to measure a course and then translate that into something their robot can read to maneuver it through the course in a competition-type based challenge.
Chemistry of Polymers This   hands-on  workshop  will  give  students  the  opportunity  to  make and test polymers.  Students  will  work  in  groups  of  two  in  a  chemistry  lab  and  synthesize  polymers  from  different  starting  materials
Preparing for the August 21 Total Solar Eclipse North Carolina will experience a total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. Girls will find the exact time of the eclipse in the Greensboro area and they will construct a safe observing projector. Working in teams they will  make a community plan and prepare an observation record sheet.
Computer Animation Using “Scratch” programmable animation software:

1) Students will learn how to code or program while playing games

2) Students will understand the basics of programming language through visually interactive medium

3) Students will create their own program that performs a specific function.

The Nanobus The Nano Bus from the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering will deliver several fun hands-on science and engineering demonstrations to Tech Savvy. Girls will work in small groups to explore the science of nanotechnology. Activities will include: Pendulum Wave Generator demonstration  and Lenz’s Law using a magnet which falls more  slowly in a copper pipe than outside the pipe
Strawberry DNA During this workshop, you will complete an experiment to isolate, extract, and observe DNA from a strawberry. DNA contains the biological make-up that gives each of us our uniqueness.  It was Swiss biochemist Frederich Miescher who first observed DNA. 
Climate Change Participants will explore some of the mechanisms and consequences of the warming of ocean water and sea ice.  They will be challenged to understand measurements of temperature and its effect on melting ice. Students will discuss the interconnectedness of the  physical world and the social climate, and how  individual decisions affect the future of our planet and its inhabitants.
Clinical Laboratory  The Clinical Laboratory Science Department at Winston-Salem State University is bringing its Youth Exploring Health Sciences (YEHS!) program to Tech Savvy.  The hands-on activities are designed to introduce health science fields. Come and experience the opportunities.
Nanoscience and Nanoengineering The “Exploring at the Nanoscale” lesson shows how nanotechnology has impacted the world, and how engineers have to consider the ramifications of working at a very small scale. Students work in teams and explore the increased surface area exposed as items are made smaller and smaller. Students examine and measure large blocks of tofu or gelatin, determining the surface area.

They work as an engineering team to determine a new application of nanotechnology for a product or process of their choice. Teams present concepts and proposals to a group of potential research funders (the class) and each then vote for the proposal with the most potential.

Cosmetics Chemistry Cosmetics companies employ teams of specialized scientists to develop and test each new line of makeup, perfume, lotion, or soap. This science project lets students be the cosmetics scientist, by creating their own lip balm right in your kitchen using a short list of ingredients, then test it, and follow up with some creative cosmetics science of your own!


Website & Registration: Questions:


$5 for each student, $2.50 for accompanying parent or guardian. Includes: breakfast, lunch, t-shirt, program brochure, and door prizes. Parking is free in the McIver Garage off West Market on McIver St.

Sessions will be assigned in the order registrations are received and each session may be limited to about 15 to 18 students

Special rates for groups accompanied by teacher.

SAVVY Sessions


Members of the Greensboro Youth Council will challenge participants thinking on what it means to lead – in the classroom, in the community, and with your friends.



Coming off hosting the 2016 Women in Cyber Security, Forsyth Technical Community College brings that unique experience to Tech Savvy. Girls will gain experience and insight into safety on the world wide web and knowledge of careers in cyber security.



UNCG’s Maker Space is part of the Maker Movement, which can inspire more young people to excel in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) subjects, connect their learning to real-world, personally meaningful problems, and reverse the decline in student engagement. Team building results in inclusion and unleashes creativity.



After an overview of Say Yes to Education for Guilford County, girls will work in groups to analyze case studies of award scenarios. Prizes will be given!



LEAD Girls of NC is dedicated to providing the tools and resources that preteen girls must have to become productive citizens and active leaders in their community. LEAD encourages and mentors girls to aspire and achieve greatness academically, emotionally and creatively.



Participants will learn what it takes to prepare for and conduct news interviews from members of the Triad Association of Black Journalists. Experience will be gained both behind and in front of the camera.