November 14 2023 Membership Program

On Tuesday, Nov. 14th the AAUW Greensboro Branch hosted a panel discussion on Women in Nontraditional Careers. The US Department of Labor defines a non-traditional career as one in which 25% or less of those employed across the field are women.

Tiffany Jacobs - panel moderator

The panel discussion was moderated by Tiffany Jacobs, AAUW NC DEI Chair. The panel of women consisted of:

Greensboro Branch - Women in Nontraditional Careers panelistsToday, women make up just a third of the manufacturing workforce and only 8% of the construction workforce overall, a percentage that has remained stubbornly constant.

Each woman spoke about:

  • Their personal background/journey towards their current position and how being a female impacted them in their leadership role.
  • Things women may struggle with such as inclusion and belonging, imposter syndrome, etc. and how to overcome and support women in dealing with those issues.
  • The benefits of mentorship in education and training programs and the need for more diversity in high demand industry sectors and career roles where women are vastly underrepresented.
  • How early exposure to STEM-related careers, career exploration and/or apprenticeship can be a pathway to a career for students who otherwise might not know exactly what they want to do after HS.
  • Words of encouragement to inspire women and girls to pursue nontraditional career pathways and opportunities.