Sisters of Mine – report from August 24th preformance


The hall was filled to standing room only for the Greensboro Branch’s celebration of Women’s
Equality Day. The theatrical production of “Sisters of Mine” was resurrected for the August 24 th
performance, after being hijacked by Covid at the Governor’s Mansion in 2020. Each actor
portrayed a North Carolina woman’s struggle to gain the right to vote. But the theme of equality
for women went beyond 1920 to the present-day challenges for women. The performance ended in a standing ovation, with the line “Maybe someday we’ll have a woman president!”
getting the greatest reaction from the audience. Refreshments and a reception followed, with
continuing conversations among the guests about equity for women in today’s cultural climate.

Cast of Shared Radiance Performance

Jamila Curry, Sheryl Davis
Robin Gentile, Patsy Hawkins
Cynthia Reichelson, Sherri Raeford
Chappell Upper, Ruan Walker
Sarah Wilson

Director, Sherri Raeford
Stage Manager, Sarah Wilson