Category Archives: Board

1:30 p.m. April 17 AAUW Greensboro Board Meeting

2017-2018 Schedule of meetings, which are typically held on the second Tuesday unless otherwise noted. All meetings are held at the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro 300 W Greene Street. Check the schedule of events at front desk for the assigned room, which is usually the loft or the conference meeting room.

Board meetings are open to members and guests may schedule to attend or present information by contacting Board President Libby Haile, 336-314-1022


AAUW Greensboro Public Policy and outreach coordinator, Laura Tew, will speak at a meeting of Greensboro Human Resources and invited members of the Greensboro City Council in recognition of Gender Pay Equity Day. AAUW Greensboro has lead five WorkSmart Salary Negotiation Skills workshops for community women and three Start Smart Salary Negotiation Skills workshops for college women in the past year. Starting with April 10 Pay Equity Day we will expand the conversation to included leaders in the community.

April 10, 2018
All women’s Equal Pay Day

April 17, 2018
White women’s Equal Pay Day

August 7, 2018
Black Women’s Equal Pay Day

September 27, 2018
Native Women’s Equal Pay Day

November 1, 2018
Latinas’ Equal Pay Day