Category Archives: Book Browsers

Book Browsers Annual Potluck Luncheon June 5th

Our next Book Browsers meeting is the annual potluck lunch on June 5th, this year  at the home of our new member Dawn Beazer at 105 Quarterpath Court, Jamestown. The phone number is 336-887-8928 and the email is Dawn will provide beverages and dessert and we will provide the rest. I will contact Dawn about parking in her neighborhood; if it is tight we may need to carpool.

At this meeting we will choose books for next year. Bring one or at most two books that you have read, are not too lengthy, and will provoke interesting discussion. Be prepared to “sell” this book in two minutes or less. Books do not have to be on the GPL book group list, but it is helpful if they are and reviewing this list may give you ideas of books to recommend. To find this list go to, click on “Books and Reading” on the main page, then click on “Book Clubs”, then “Book Club Collection”. If a book is not in the collection, it should be readily available and preferably in paperback.

Call me if you have any questions (336-316-1339).        Mary Woodrow

Book Browsers Monday May 1st KCE Library 1:30 PM

May 1, 2017                     Sands, Philippe, “East West Street” (NF) (Elaine Ostrowski)

Just a friendly reminder that Book Browsers will meet next Monday, May 1st, at 1:30 at the KCE Library. Please let me know if you will be joining us for lunch at Phoenix at 11:45 so I can get us a large enough table.

Don’t forget to send in your reservation for the spring luncheon on May 6th. Reservations are due on April 26th.

Stay warm and stay dry and I will see you next Monday.            Mary Woodrow

Book Browsers – 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM Kathleen Clay Library

Meeting Place: Kathleen Clay Edwards  Branch Library, 1420 Price Park Road (off Hobbs Road)

Meeting Time: 1:30-3:00 p.m.

Meeting Dates: First Monday of the month, except September, 2016 and January, 2017;  no meetings in July and August (* indicates 2nd Monday of the month)

September 12, 2016*    Strout, Elizabeth, “Olive Kitteridge” (F) # (Mary Woodrow)