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AAUW Greensboro 2016 Spring Luncheon

2016 Spring Luncheon

11 AM Saturday, April 23, 2016 at Starmount Forest Country Club

Featuring a conversation on the media and its significance in an election year.

Neill McNeill senior anchor Fox 8 News; Anna Fesmire copresident League of Women Voters Piedmont Triad

Name _______________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________

Phone __________   E-mail ___________________________


$________$35 PER LUNCHEON

_____chicken piccata OR _____vegetable medley


I would also like to make a donation to AAUW Greensboro’s Local Projects

___ National Conference for College Women Leaders, NCCWSL, scholarship

___ $tart$mart Salary Negotiation Workshops

___ Advocacy programs on issues important to women

$________ My donation

$________ TOTAL

Please make check payable to

AAUW Greensboro

PO Box 10754, Greensboro, NC 27404

UNCG offers Tech Savvy a program of AAUW April 9

https://www.aauw.org/what-we-do/stem-education/tech-savvy/#schedule SELECT NORTH CAROLINA UNCG


WHAT: a full day of STEM3, science–technology–engineering–math–music–medicine workshops for 6th to 9th grade girls

WHERE: Sullivan Science at UNCG

EXTRAS: breakfast, lunch, program booklet, T–shirt, tote bags

PARENTS: full day program designed to help you help your daughters succeed in science and technology

Cost – $5 for girls and $2.50 for accompanying parent

https://www.aauw.org/what-we-do/stem-education/tech-savvy/#schedule SELECT NORTH CAROLINA UNCG

NC A&T State University Hosts $tart$mart Salary Negotiation Workshop

Start Smart Salary Negotiation Skills Workshop was held at NCA&TSU on February 16 at the College of Arts & Sciences. Facilitated by Branch member Brandy Propst, eighteen young women, freshmen to grad students, attended representing several fields including biology, psychology, electrical & civil engineering. Dr. Mary Kanipes , chemistry professor and A&T C/U representative, welcomed everyone on behalf of the STEM Center of Excellence for Active Learning.




Greensboro Branch January 2016 Notes

AAUW January 2016 Notes.compressed

Connections to Collaborations

  • Commission on the Status of Women
  • College and University Partners

Upcoming Events

  • January 4, Book Browsers discusses “Go Set A Watchman” by Harper Lee
  • January 5, Board meeting to plan Spring Luncheon and Branch activities
  • January 9, Soup Luncheon at CUCC “YWCA+AAUW=Oh, yeah!”
  • January 18, Martin Luther King Breakfast, Speaker Dr. Franklin Gilliam, UNCG Chancellor.