Tag Archives: share

Book Browsers 1:30 p.m. Monday November 5

November 5, 2018           Erdrich, Louise, “The Round House” (F) #(Mary Ellen Shiflett, leader)

Meeting Place: Kathleen Clay Edwards  Branch Library     1420 Price Park Road (off Hobbs Road)

Meeting Time: 1:30-3:00 p.m.

The Round House won the National Book Award for fiction. One of the most revered novelists of our time—a brilliant chronicler of Native-American life—Louise Erdrich returns to the territory of her bestselling, Pulitzer Prize finalist The Plague of Doves with The Round House , transporting readers to the Ojibwe reservation in North Dakota.

NEW SMART Code of Life Fall 2018 Program: TechStartup Incubator

DATES: October 27th, November 10th, November 17th, and December 1st from 2 to 5 p.m.
LOCATION: UNCG Campus, Jackson Library Computer Room

Come one, come all! SMART Code of Life is hosting a 4-day Saturday STEM program to teach you about technology, neuroscience, and business. Engage in activities with MIT App Inventor, Internet of Things, neuroscience, and business. Create apps, circuits, and present your projects to an officially unofficial panel. Register soon because seats are limited!


Salad Super September 18 at 6 p.m.

Tuesday, September 18 2018 at 6 p.m. The Salad Supper – the hospitality committee invites members to bring their favorite salad to share. Program is a panel of collaborators from organizations closely aligned with AAUW.

Maria Hicks-Few: Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer for the City of Greensboro, a role in which she “strives daily to make the City of Greensboro an even more inclusive living, learning, and working environment” She serves as President of the Human Resources Management Association of Greensboro (HRMAG) and on the Board of Directors for the Triangle Industry Liaison Group (TILG.ORG); she is a former president of the Greensboro Jaycees and once even owned her own business.

Tiffany Jacobs: Senior Advisor of Degrees Matter!. Tiffany serves as the primary contact for students seeking to return to college and works to leverage partnerships with community stakeholders. Her personal and professional passion is to assist, empower, and educate others to succeed. Tiffany holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Justice and Policy Studies from Guilford College.

Chewan Moore: Director of Community Resources at Women’s Resource Center. Chewan has the very important responsibility of identifying and updating community resource for the benefit of women and their families. She is the WRC representative at Child Response Initiative meetings, a collaboration of agencies which have programs and services focused the best interests of children and their families. She has worked with WRC for over 12 years and has great experience as a volunteer for several other groups in the community such as Greensboro Beautiful Board, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and the Interactive Resource Center.

Kim Record has been Director of Athletics at UNCG since 2009, when less than 5% of Division I Athletic Directors were female. She is very effective across her home campus by being supportive of academics as well as leadership and civic engagement. Kim serves in leadership positions in the National College Athletics Association, serving as Chair of NCAA DIVISION I COMPETITION OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE. Kim expands her reach locally organizations such as AAUW, Women’s Professional Forum, Greensboro Sports Council and Greensboro Rotary.

Beth Sheffield adult Programming and Readers Advisory Specialist at the Greensboro Public Library since 2001 manages hundreds of community programs from One City/One Book to Speakers Bureau to Special Events. Beth also has a passionate interest in forging relationships between local and global communities.

August 29 UNCG Leadership and Civic Engagement Fair


The AAUW UNCG student organization, along with the AAUW Greensboro college/university partnership committee, will  host a table of information and e-affiliate sign up opportunities at the UNCG Elliot Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on August 29th.

This is a fun event designed to help us and other community nonprofits reach out to students who are anxious to provide service and expertise.