In partnership with the City of Greensboro Commission on the Status of Women and with funding from The Women’s Professional Forum Foundation, AAUW Greensboro will educate women on the pay-gap problem and train women on how to research career opportunities and develop strategies for improving their economic opportunities.
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Work Smart Wednesday January 17 Greensboro Public Library
In partnership with the City of Greensboro Commission on the Status of Women and with funding from The Women’s Professional Forum Foundation, AAUW Greensboro will educate women on the pay-gap problem and train women on how to research career opportunities and develop strategies for improving their economic opportunities.
Information and Registration
Triad Tech Savvy Find Your STEM Saturday February 10, 2018
AAUW Greensboro is excited to offer a NEW Triad Tech Savvy event for high school girls on Saturday, February 10th at the Joint School for Nanoscience and Nanoengineering on East Gate City Boulevard.
Jane Fernandes to speak at AAUW Greensboro Tuesday November 14
Tuesday November 14 at 6.p.m.
come celebrate the Thanksgiving season with a light supper followed by remarks from Dr. Jane Fernandes president of Guilford College
AAUW Greensboro Day at UNCG Women’s Basketball Game
Sunday November 12
1 p.m. reception; 2 p.m. game
Coleman Building, third floor, UNCG. Free parking in Walker Garage
meet the e-affiliate students
November 12 AAUW Day @UNCG Women’s Basketball Game 1:00 PM
Description goes here
Reception begins at 1:00 and we will meet our UNCG e-affiliates
October Notes, news from September and upcoming events
Triad Tech Savvy for 9th Grade Girls
Triad Tech Savvy for 9th grade Girls is scheduled for November 4th, 2017 8:30 am to 3:00 pm on the UNCG campus.
Worksmart workshop Thursday October 5 from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.628 summit avenue
Women’s Resource Center in Greensboro is hosting a salary negotiation skills workshop on Thursday October 5 from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.628 summit avenue.
Reigstration is FREE. www.tinyurl.salarywrc
August Notes – lots of good stuff