Swann Middle School STEAMing Club

The organizing and supporting Swann teachers are Ms. Ingram and Ms. O’Neal. AAUW Greensboro high school volunteers are assisting,
Giana Lee, pictured, attended Swann Middle School and is currently a sophomore at STEM Early College at A&T.




STEM is an acronym for the words Science, Technology,
Engineering, Mathematics. The term is primarily used to discuss
education and academics, as well as the workforce. STEAM is a
progression of the original STEM acronym, plus one additional
element: ART. The integration of the arts into STEM learning has
allowed educators to expand the benefits of hands-on education
and collaboration in a variety of ways, promoting creativity and
curiosity as part of a core curriculum.

AAUW Greensboro STEM Education committee has the
endorsement of our board to assist with the STEAMing Lions Club
at Swann Middle School with robotics and coding projects.
The club will meet once a month after school from 4:30 to 5:30. The
club is open to 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. Participation in the
club is free to Swann Middle School students.

Our goal for the robotics and coding activities are to familiarize
students with the basics of robotics. Lessons are designed for
students at introductory and intermediate levels. Students will progress
with their personal robot to learn to design, build, and program. The
programming apps (EdBlock, EdScratch, EdPy) can be accessed
through a phone, tablet, Chromebook, or laptop with an adaptable
audio port. Their projects will be presented at the Benjamin Branch
Library on Sunday January 28th

For more information or to help with this initiative, please contact Laura Tew by text 336-834-2743 or email Lauratew56@gmail.com